Monday, January 18, 2010


This is Bennett's latest obsession. He got a 60 piece John Deere puzzle for Christmas and did that one a few times every day. When we go to the library, he does their huge stack of puzzles the whole time! I had some store credit and got him 3 new ones last week and then his Nana got him this fish one at TJ Maxx. He does them and takes them apart and redoes (is that a word??) them several times a day. I see a lot of family jigsaw puzzle nights in our future :) Or maybe he'll win a million bucks on Survivor with his puzzle skills...


  1. Oh my cute!! I should look to see if we have any that he can have...Eli hates puzzles.

  2. Ethan is a HUGE puzzle fan too! It all started right about Bennett's age. Now he gets them for Birthdays and Christmas...such a fun QUIET activity!

  3. Hi Haverlee!
    I just found your blog as I was reading Seth and Heather's blog about their trip. It was great to chat with you at play group last week, and hope to see you tomorrow also. I love your blog and all your stories - especially the ages and stages of shopping at funny and true!


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