Saturday, January 2, 2010

One of Bennett's absolute favorite Christmas gifts- this John Deere puzzle. (Which he mistakenly called his John Judie puzzle the first day.) Every single time he fits a piece together, he says, "I did it, Mom!" and will keep repeating that until you acknowledge him with a, "good job!". So while he's working on the puzzle, it goes something like this: Bennett puts a piece on. "I did it, Mom!" Me: "good job, buddy!" Bennett puts another piece on. "I did it, Mom!" Me: "good job, buddy!" Bennett puts another piece on. "I did it, Mom!". Me, trying to get something done. "I did it, Mom!" Me, still ignoring. "I did it, Mom!" Me: "Oh, good job buddy". You get the idea...

Another one of Bennett's favorite activities-- spinning around until he's dizzy and then trying to walk across the room. He thinks it's hilarious and of course, so do we :)

I'm posting this next video strictly for family or very close friends. I realize baby milestones like these are quite boring once you've had your own kids (or even if you haven't!) but if you indulge me enough to watch the whole thing, then I know you really love us! And if you actually enjoy watching it, your name has probably been replaced with Nana or Nonny.


  1. That was fun to read! It was fun having everyone together!

  2. This Nana viewed it over and over again...he is actually trying to form words - what a doll!

  3. Well, I loved them both...of course I am a Nana! thanks for sharing.....

  4. That Dawson is getting so big! I love hearing his voice!!!


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