Saturday, August 15, 2009

Enjoying Boredom

Today has been a very lazy Saturday. I slept in, hung out with Bennett all morning doing nothing but watching TV (him), and reading magazines (me). We had a picnic lunch before the rain hit, Daddy and Bennett read some books and now its naptime (him) and more chill time (me).
I'm relishing this boredom because I only have 4 weeks until baby comes and these days will be a distant memory for a while. Not to mention my "before-baby-to-do list" is a half mile long so this should be my last Saturday of slacking!

Here's a snapshot of lazy Saturday:


  1. We all NEED those kind of days!! Yours will be and few between soon:)

  2. You can tell Jon is trying not to smile, either that or he is trying to look cool. :)

  3. i always look cool...smiling or not:)


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