Friday, March 22, 2013


I've read several great books recently (thanks to and thought I'd mention them on here. My favorite book out of the last few is Another Place at the Table, which I put on my list on the right (any that I'd give 5 stars to). But a couple others that I really really liked are worth mentioning:
The Light Between Oceans and The Birth House, both fiction.
I think The Light Between Oceans would appeal to most anyone. It was a fascinating and haunting story. The Birth House is historical fiction with a sense of humor and I loved it but be sure to read the description first. It would appeal to a narrower audience.
I've only done one other movie recommendation on here because I only think its worth recommending a movie that I thought was fantastic but that I hadn't heard anyone talk about it. We rented The Intouchables the other night and I loved every second of it. I laughed through the whole thing. It was so endearing and its very rare that we watch an "artsy fartsy" movie (I use that term loosely for basically anything that's not an action/drama/suspense/chick flick) that both of us like. I have plenty of appreciation for the arts. I sang in choir all through school and was always in every theatre production, had a few years of ballet and a lifelong obsession with it (don't get me started on that missed opportunity or I will cry) and have a deep love and appreciation of all French Impressionist artists, particularly Monet and Degas (duh...he painted ballerinas all the time). Jon, however, has very little appreciation of the arts. Besides, maybe, Cirque du Soleil. And when you're married, you tend to focus more on your common interests. So that artsy side of me gets pretty stifled, which is fine. I mean, would I die if he took me to a ballet? Heck yes. But frankly, I'd enjoy it a lot more if I was watching it with someone who truly appreciated it like I do. I would much rather focus on stuff that we both love. Like action/drama/suspense movies. So anyway, that was a long bunny trail leading....nowhere. Go rent it. I think you'll love it.        

1 comment:

  1. We rented The Intouchables last night (based on your recommendation) and loved it!


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